This was the dream.
There was a conclave of the gods. Around the open marbled floor were ringed the towering pillars and the towering thrones and the towering gods, who were grave and almost unmoving.
Into the middle of that floor through an entrance came clattering a funny looking stone and behind it ran a little boy and his dog
The boy did not notice the gods. He ran straight to the stone and resumed playing with it.
The bright-faced goddess of joy laughed. The boy looked up. He contemplated the gods gravely. They contemplated him gravely. After a time he went back to his playing and then left.
For all that the gods made him greatly blessed.
How they greatly blessed him is jumbled. It partly seemed that he grew up and became handsome and talented and rich but with the unselfconsciousness and the delight of a child. Partly it seemed that his blessing was he died soon after
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