Just for fun, lets try to a rough reconciliation of the Church’s advice that generally you should get vaccinated with the anti-vaxxer perspective that the vaccines are generally some  combination of ineffective, risky, or outright dangerous.

What we are looking for is reasons why a person getting vaccinated would give ’em personal benefit even if the vaccines were ineffective or personally risky or even personally dangerous.

The ol’ cogitator has cogitated only two reasons.  Both of them dark.

Persecution.  Suppose the powers that be were none too stable and none too patient these days, and were prone to lash out vindictively against regime enemies real or perceived.  If this were true and if vaccinations had become a regime shibboleth, the personal risks of going nonvax might outweigh the personal risks of going vax.

Marek Syndrome.  There may be a syndrome where a ‘leaky’ vaccine–one that doesn’t confer full immunity, meaning the immunized can still get infected and spread the virus–can push a disease towards being stronger and more vigorous in order to keep spreading through the immune.  But in the syndrome the increased strength of the disease then makes the disease deadlier for those who aren’t immunized.   If this were to be the case with corona, then collectively taking the vax would be dumb but once enough people or governments had committed to taking the vax, personally taking the vax could be the right way to go.  Evidence for this would be something like the mortality/hospitalization rate among the vaxxed rising towards pre-vax levels over time while the nonvaxxed still have higher per capita death rates.

A lot of our JG friends have very dire thoughts against the vax, whereas the other half are vehement that all prophetic counsel must be perfectly straight and above board.  Our local regime powers that be don’t want people venting in the comments so they warn they will delete comments vigorously.  If you cannot take the ‘just for fun’ perspective of this post, don’t comment.

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