
This Easter, April 20, 2025, the Church encourages us to focus on the “greater love” of Jesus Christ.

  • On Easter Sunday, all are welcome to join us to worship the Savior of the world and celebrate His gift of universal resurrection. On Easter Sunday, sacrament meeting is the only meeting held (see General Handbook, 29.2.9). Leaders should plan a Christ-focused service that celebrates His Resurrection and helps all who attend to feel welcomed and loved.
  • A Holy Week study guide can help people learn more about the Savior’s love.
  • On Easter Sunday, a special episode of “Music and the Spoken Word” will air, focused on the theme of “Greater Love.”
  • During the Easter season, Latter-day Saints around the world will celebrate Christ’s Resurrection through concerts and other events with friends of other faiths.
  • Church leaders will encourage gospel study during Holy Week and will share messages about the Resurrection.
  • Easter music and video playlists will be provided on the Church’s YouTube, Strive to Be, and Gospel Stream channels.
  • All are invited to share testimony of Jesus Christ and the blessings of His Resurrection, including on social media using the #GreaterLove hashtag.

The Church provides the following resources:

  • New “Greater Love” videos and images that could be shared on social media.
  • Templates for banners and signs that could be printed and displayed outside Church meetinghouses inviting all to worship with us on Easter Sunday.
  • Customizable templates for Easter programs and activity flyers that could be used in wards and stakes.
  • A Holy Week study experience on ChurchofJesusChrist.org and Gospel Library.
  • Leaders can publish their Easter Sunday worship services and other Easter ward activities using the Activity Sharing tool (where available).

See the page of Easter resources for music playlists, videos, study resources, children’s activities, welcome signs for meetinghouses, Easter images, and reflection journals.

See the Church’s Easter web page.



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