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Called to the Work,Accessed August 15, 2016 from the LDS Media Library. |
I've addressed creeping change before. It's a theme that needs to be revisited constantly. So, here it is again; but with a new twist.
Creeping change is change that comes incrementally, without people intending to make changes. It is insidious change; because people usually aren't aware of how much change has occurred or what the standards really should be.
Most people happily go along with the status quo, because it is what they are used to. You have to go back and revisit the basics before you continue with past practices or change them.
Getting a new calling gives you the ability to avoid creeping change by encouraging you to go back to the basics and essentials of what you should be doing.
Getting a new calling gives you the ability to avoid creeping change by encouraging you to go back to the basics and essentials of what you should be doing.
Let's assume you have just received a new calling. What is the first thing to do?
Here are my guidelines:
1. Read up in Handbook 2 on the Computer or Other Digital Device!
Okay, why on the computer? Simple. Only the digital copy of the Handbook is accurate. There have been additions and changes. You need to know what they are. You cannot rely on the printed copy of the Handbook to be accurate.
You should read the following at the very least:
- Section 1: Families and the Church in God's Plan
- Section 21: Selected Church Policies and Guidance
- Any other section that applies to your calling, like Primary, Young Women, etc.
Remember, President Monson said there is safety in the handbooks:
You may think you know how to handle a situation, but in fact, you may be on the wrong track. There's safety in the handbooks.
2. Find Out What Your Calling Should Entail.
Go to LDS.org and look at the navigation items. Working from the left to the right, click on Serve and Teach. From the drop down menu, look at the middle column and go all the way to the bottom. Click on All Callings.
There are 20 different categories. Identify where your new calling resides on click on it. This isn't rocket science. If you will be working in the Primary, then click on Primary.
There will be links directing you to Handbook 2 guidance, as well as other guidelines. Make note of these emphases.
3. View Videos on the Leadership Library
If you are unfamiliar with the Leadership Training Library, you must access it promptly and review all its guidance that relates to your calling. Some is general guidance and some is specific to callings.
Examples of general guidance include the resources on the right under Leadership Principles:
Everybody needs this general guidance. Look at the top of the screen to find specific guidance, like Bishopric, Relief Society, Primary, etc. View all the listed videos.
4. Connect With the Person Most Recently Released From This Calling
This is such a no-brainer, I almost hesitate to mention. It seems so obvious, doesn't it? Not so. Outside of the Mormon Corridor, this is not as common as it should be.
Whoever preceded you in the calling can give you valuable advice, help you avoid landmines and help you refrain from rediscovering the wheel.
5. Meet With Your Current Leaders And Get Their Guidance
This includes members of the Bishopric, Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders. Every calling has a chain of command. Make certain you've connected with yours before you start doing anything.
6. Teaching Calling? You've Got A Lot to Do!
The Church just rolled out a bundle of new teaching resources. If you are a teacher anywhere in the Church, you've got a lot to do. Access the new teaching resources at teaching.lds.org and get to work!
Keep going back to these resources, especially 1, 2 and 3. They will help you from getting off track. If you are already on track, they will help you stay on it.
Keep going back to these resources, especially 1, 2 and 3. They will help you from getting off track. If you are already on track, they will help you stay on it.
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