Most of us eagerly anticipate the annual Primary sacrament meeting presentation. Seeing and hearing the little ones just warms the heart.

However, we don't have to wait for this once-a-year event anymore. A recent Handbook change establishes that any baptized child over the age of 8 can now speak in a sacrament meeting.

See the most recent update to the Handbook:

From Summary of Recent Updates, May 2024

Chapter 29: Meetings in the Church Selecting Speakers (included children among those who may speak in sacrament meeting)

From the Handbook:
Selecting Speakers

The bishopric selects speakers for sacrament meeting. Most often they invite ward members, including youth and children (see 38.8.18).

They've been able to pray in sacrament meeting for some time. I witnessed just such a prayer a short time ago. To say that I was impressed was an understatement. She did a wonderful job.

Consider that the Church has been moving forward to include children for some time.

For example, children's lessons for Come, Follow Me are now included in the main book. There is no separate manual for children. In addition, we are moving to one hymnbook that includes songs traditionally sung by children, for children.

A recent article covers all these developments. See, What Baptized Primary Children Can Do in the Lord’s Church.

I can't wait to see how all this develops ...

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