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Abbot, J.S.C. Kings and Queens, or Life in the Palace. (New York, 1850).
Abbott, Jacob. History of Alexander the Great. (New York, 1848).
— . History of Alfred the Great. (New York, 1849).
— . History of Charles the First. (New York, 1848)
— . History of Charles the Second. (New York, 1849).
— . History of Cyrus the Great. (New York, 1850).
— . History of Darius the Great. (New York, 1850).
— . History of Hannibal the Carthagenian. (New York).
— . History of Julius Caesar. (New York, 1849).
— . History of Mary, Queen of Scots. (New York, 1848).
— . History of William the Conqueror. (New York, 1849).
— . Xerxes the Great. (New York, 1850).
Aiken, Lucy. Life of Addison. 2 vols. (London, 1843).
American Tract Society. Memoirs of Edward Payson. (New York).
Aquilar, Grace. Women of Israel. 2 vols. (New York, 1851).
Autobiography of Goethe. (New York, 1847).
Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with Reminiscences. 2 vols. (New York, 1850).
Barrow, John. Life of Peter the Great. (New York, 1848).
Belknap, J. American Biography. (New York, 1846).
Bell, H.G. Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 vols. (New York).
Biography of Linn Boyd, by a Virginia. (Washington, 1852).
Boswell, [John]. Life of Dr. Johnson. 8th ed. (London, 1816).
Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. (New York, 1848).
— . Lives of Martyrs of Science. (New York, 1847).
Brougham, Lord. Historical Sketches of Statesmen in Time of Geo. 3d. (New York, 1846).
— . Lives of Men of Letters and Science, in Time of Geo. 3d. (London, 1845).
Bush, J. Life of Mohammed. (New York, 1844).
Campbell, Lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. 7 vols. (Philadelphia, 1847).
Campbell, Thos. Frederick the Great: His Court and Times. 2 vols. 2nd ed. (London, 1845).
Carter, –. Puritans and Pilgrim Fathers. (New York, 1850).
Coleridge, [Samuel]. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols. (New York, 1847).
Colton, C. Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2 vols. (New York, 1846).
Confessions of a Schoolmaster. (Andover, 1839).
Costello, – . Memoirs of Eminent English Women. (London, 1844).
Court and Camp of Bonaparte. (New York, 1845).
Croker, W. Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson. (Philadelphia, 1842).
Crowley, George. Life of George the Fourth. (New York).
Cunningham, – . Lives of British Painters and Sculptors. 5 vols. (New York, 1846).
Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick the Second. 2 vols. (New York, 1848).
Duer, W.A. Life of William Alexander, Earl of Sterling. (New York, 1847).
Dyer, Thos. H. Life of John Calvin. (New York, 1850).
Eaton, John M. Life of Andrew Jackson. (Philadelphia, 1824).
Fenelon. Lives of Ancient Philosophers. (New York).
Forster, John. Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. (New York, 1846).
Gallaudet, T.H. History of Josiah. (New York).
— . Scripture Biography for the Young. 7 vols. (Andover, 1844).
Galt, J. Life of Byron. (New York).
Garland, –. Life of John Randolph, of Roanoke. 2 vols. (New York, 1851).
Gibbs, – . Memoirs of Washington and Adams. 2 vols. (New York, 1846).
Gillies, John. Memoirs of George Whitfield. (Hartford, 1848).
Girault, – . Vie de George Washington. 24th ed. (Philadelphia, 1850).
Goodrich, S.G. Curiosities of Human Nature. (Philadelphia, 1846).
— . Famous Men of Ancient Times. (Philadelphia, 1846).
— . Famous Men of Modern Times. (Philadelphia, 1846).
— . Life of George Washington. (Philadelphia, 1844).
— . Lives of Benefactors. (Philadelphia, 1846).
— . Lives of Famous Indians. (Philadelphia, 1846).
— . Lives of Famous Women. (Philadelphia).
Graham, John A. Memoirs of John Horne Tooke. (New York, 1828).
Gurley, – . Life and Sermons of Sylvester Larned. (New York, 1844).
Hart, John S. Life and Writings of Edmund Spencer. (London, 1847).
Head, Sir F.B. Life and Travels of Bruce. (New York, 1846).
Hedge, F.H. Prose Writers of Germany. (Philadelphia, 1848).
Hunter, H. Sacred Biography, or History of the Patriarchs. (New York, 1844).
Irving, W. Life of Goldsmith. 2 vols. (New York, 1844).
James, G.P.R. History of Charlemagne. (New York).
Jameson, Mrs. Lives of Female Sovereigns. 2 vols. (New York, 1848).
Johnson, E.A. Romae Viri, with Notes and Dictionary. (New York, 1850).
Kennedy, – . Memoirs of W. Wirt. 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1850).
Langhorne, Jno. & Wm. Plutarch’s Lives. New ed. (New York, 1850).
Leake, J.Q. Life of Genl. John Lamb. (Albany, 1850).
Lee, R.H. Life of Arthur Lee. 2 vols. (Boston, 1829).
Lieber, F. Reminiscences of Niebuhr. (London, 1845).
Life and Letters of Caroline Fry. (Philadelphia, 1849).
Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. 2 vols. 6th ed. (New York, 1844).
Life of Franklin. 2 vols. (New York).
Life of John Woolman, with His Writings and Last Epistle. (Philadelphia, 1845).
Life of Samuel Houston.
Lincoln, Robert. Lives of Presidents of the United States. (Brattlebro, 1850).
Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier. (New York).
Lives of Apostles and Early Martyrs. (New York).
Lives of Distinguished Females. (New York, 1848).
Lives of Eminent Men and Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. (New York).
Lives of Jay and Hamilton. (New York).
Lockhart, J.G. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 vols. (New York, 1843).
— . Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. (Paris, 1837 & ‘38).
Mackenzie, A.S. Life of Perry. 2 vols. (New York).
Magoon, E.L. Orators of the American Revolution. 3rd ed. (New York, 1849).
Maldon, H. Lives of Eminent Men. 2 vols. (New York).
Mansfield, E.D. Life of Winfield Scott. (New York, 1848).
Manuscripts of Memoirs, Correspondence, and Manuscripts of Lafayette. 2 vols. (vol. 2 missing). (New York, 1837).
March, W. Reminiscences of Congress. (New York, 1850).
Marsh, Josiah. Life of George Fox, the First of the Quakers. (Philadelphia, 1842).
Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1848).
Maxwell, J.S. Czar: His Court and People, Including a Tour in Norway and Sweden, The. 3rd ed. (New York, 1850). Presented by author.
Means, John S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. (New York).
Nepos, C. Vita Excellentium Imperatorum. 2d ed. (Philadelphia, 1845).
Ockley, – . Mohammed and his Successors; with the History of the Saracens. 4th ed. (New York, 1847).
Page, W.P. Life of Dr. Johnson. 2 vols. (New York, 1847).
Pauldin, J.K. Life of George Washington. 2 vols. (New York).
Price, Jas. Life and Character of Edmund Burke, with Poetry and Letters. (Philadelphia, 1825).
Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties in Lives of Eminent Men. 3 vols. (London, 1845).
Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. 2nd ed. 6 vols. (Philadelphia, 1850).
Ramsey, D. Life of George Washington. (New York, 1807).
Randolph, – . Jefferson’s Memoirs, Correspondence and Private Papers. 4 vols. (New York, 1829).
Reed, Wm. B. Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1847).
Renwick, J. Life of DeWit Clinton. (New York, 1850).
Robertson, Wm. History of Charles the Fifth. (New York).
Roscoe, Wm. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1842).
— . Life of Lorenzo de Medici. (London, 1846).
Russell, Wm. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. (New York).
Sanderson, –. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols. (Philadelphia, 1823).
Seward, Wm. H. Life of John Quincy Adams. (Auburn, 1849).
Southey, Robt. Life of Nelson. (New York).
Sparks, Jared. Life and Writings of George Washington. 12 vols. (Philadelphia, 1847).
— . Life of Alexander Wilson. Biographical Library, vol. 2. (Boston, 1849).
— . Life of Anne Hutchinson. Biographical Library, vol. 6. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Anthony Wayne. Biographical Library, vol. 4. (Boston).
— . Life of Baron Steuben. Biographical Library, vol. 9. (Boston).
— . Life of Benedict Arnold. Biographical Library, vol. 3. (Boston).
— . Life of Benjamin Lincoln. Biographical library, vol. 13. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Capt. John Smith. Biographical Library, vol. 2. (Boston).
— . Life of Charles Lee. Biographical Library, vol. 8. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Chas. B. Brown. Biographical Library, vol. 1. (Boston).
— . Life of Cotton Mather. Biographical Library, vol. 6. (Boston).
— . Life of Count Pulaski. Biographical Library, vol. 4. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Count Rumford. biographical Library, vol. 5. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Daniel Boone. Biographical Library, vol. 13. (New York, 1849)
— . Life of David Brainerd. Biographical Library, vol. 8. (Boston).
— . Life of David Rittenhouse. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (Boston).
— . Life of Edward Preble. Biographical Library, vol. 12. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Ethan Allen. Biographical Library, vol. 1. (Boston).
— . Life of Ezra Stiles. Biographical Library, vol. 6. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Father Marquette. Biographical Library, vol. 10. (Boston).
— . Life of Henry Hudson. Biographical Library, vol. 10. (Boston, 1849).
— . Life of Israel Putnam. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (Boston).
— . Life of Jacob Leisler. Biographical Library, vol. 3. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of James Oglethorpe. Biographical Library, vol. 2. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of James Otis. Biographical Library, vol. 2. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Jared Stark. Biographical Library, vol. 1. (Boston.)
— . Life of John Elliott, the Apostle of the Indians. Biographical Library, vol. 5. (Boston).
— . Life of John Fitch. biographical Library, vol. 6. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of John Ledyard. Biographical Library, vol. 14. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of John Ledyard, the American Traveler. (Boston, 1847).
— . Life of John Mason. Biographical Library, vol. 3. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of John Ribault. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of John Sullivan. Biographical Library, vol. 3. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Jonathan Edwards. Biographical Library, vol. 8. (Boston).
— . Life of Joseph Reed. biographical Library, vol. 8. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Joseph Warren. Biographical Library, vol. 10. (Boston).
— . Life of Leonard Calvert. Biographical Library, vol. 9. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Lucretia M. Davidson. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (Boston).
— . Life of Nathaniel Bacon. biographical Library, vol. 3. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Nathaniel Green. Biographical Library, vol. 10. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Patrick Henry. Biographical Library, vol. 1. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Richard Montgomery. Biographical Library, vol. 1. (Boston).
— . Life of Robert de la Salle. Biographical Library, vol. 1. (London, 1847).
— . Life of Robert Fulton. Biographical Library, vol. 10. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Roger Williams. Biographical Library, vol. 4. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Samuel Gorton. Biographical Library, vol. 5. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Samuel Kirkland. Biographical Library, vol. 15. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Samuel Ward. Biographical Library, vol. 9. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Sebastian Cabot. Biographical Library, vol. 9. (Boston).
— . Life of Sebastian Rale. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Sir Henry Vane. Biographical Library, vol. 4. (Boston).
— . Life of Sir William Phips. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (Boston).
— . Life of Stephen Decatur. Biographical Library, vol. 12. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Thomas Posey. Biographical Library, vol. 9. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Timothy Dwight. Biographical Library, vol. 4. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of William Eaton. Biographical Library, vol. 9. (Boston).
— . Life of William Ellery. Biographical Library, vol. 6. (Boston).
— . Life of William Palfrey. Biographical Library, vol. 7. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of William Penn. Biographical Library, vol. 12. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of William Pinkney. Biographical Library, vol. 6. (Boston).
— . Life of William R. Davie. Biographical Library, vol. 15. (New York, 1849).
— . Life of Zebulon M. Pike. Biographical Library, vol. 5. (New York, 1849).
— . Works and Life of Benjamin Franklin. 10 vols. (Boston, 1840).
Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits. (New York, 1847).
St. John, J.A. Lives of Celebrated Travelers. 3 vols. (New York, 1832).
Stone, J.S. Life of James Milnor. American Tract Society. (New York, 1849).
Stone, W.L. Life and Times of Red Jacket. (New York, 1841).
— . Life of Joseph Brant, the Indian. (New York, 1838).
Sullivan, – . Public Men of the Revolution from 1783 to 1815. (Philadelphia, 1847).
Thatcher, – . Indian Biography. 2 vols. (New York, 1848).
Timon, – . Orators of France. (New York, 1847).
Tucker, Geo. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1837).
Voltaire. Histoire de Charles 12th, Roi de Swede. (New York).
Weems, – . Life of Benjamin Franklin. (Phiiladelphia, 1829).
— . Life of Francis Marion. (Philadelphia, 1844).
— . Life of George Washington. (Philadelphia, 1816).
— . Life of William Penn. (Philadelphia, 1836).
— . Life of William Penn. (Philadelphia, 1850).
Williams, J. Life of Alexander the Great. (New York, 1843).
Wirt, Wm. Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Rev. ed. (Ithaca. 1850).
Women of the Old and New Testament. (Philadelphia, 1848).
Wynne, Jas. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America. (New York, 1850).
Zouch, –. Walton’s Lives. (New York, 1850).
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